
How to Page Up and Page Down on Your Mac

How to Page Up and Page Down on Your Mac

If you recently switched from Windows to a Mac computer, you will notice several changes in the keyboard. For example a new Command key in Mac that is used with keyboard shortcuts in place of CTRL. In the same way, you will realize that there are no “Page Up” and “Page Down” keys. So, how do you page up and page down on a Mac? Page Down key scrolls downs to the next page and lets you skip the current page. In the same way, the Page Up key scrolls up to the previous page by skipping the current page.

The keyboard on MacBook doesn’t come with Page Up and Page Down keys. So, you will have to use different keyboard shortcuts for Page Up and Page Down.

To page up on your Mac computer, press the fn and Up arrow keys at the same time.

To page down on your Mac computer, press the fn and Down arrow keys at the same time.

These keyboard shortcuts work in every Mac application including web browsers, Microsoft Word, Pages and many more.

If you are browsing the web on any web browser on your Mac computer, you can also use the space bar for page down and Shift+Spacebar for page up when the cursor is not active on any text box or text area.

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