WhatsApp is the most popular messaging app that lets people have text conversations, photo sharing, file sharing, location sharing, audio calls, and video calls. The app also lets people share a Status update which is WhatsApp’s version of the Stories feature. When you share a Status, it remains there for the next 24 hours and you can see who has seen your WhatsApp status. Similarly, when you check the Status updates of your contacts, they can see if you checked their Status updates. But what if you do not want other people to know that you have seen his/her story? If you want to check WhatsApp Status anonymously, you can do that.
Also see: How to download WhatsApp Status Videos of your contacts
There is an official way of checking WhatsApp updates anonymously. If you follow that, your contacts will never know if you have seen their Status updates.
In this article, I will tell you how to check WhatsApp Status updates of your contacts anonymously.
Check WhatsApp Status Anonymously
This WhatsApp status trick uses one of the privacy features of WhatsApp. This feature is “Read receipt”. Read receipt notifies you when your message was read by your contact in the form of blue double rocks. If you disable that, your contacts cannot see if you have read their messages and you can also not see if your messages were read.
This privacy setting also affects WhatsApp Status. If you disable the Read receipt, you can no longer know who has seen your status updates. But this will also allow you to check your contact’s WhatsApp Status anonymously. WhatsApp will not add your name to the list of people who have seen it. Status updates. If you want to see WhatsApp Status anonymously, you will have to disable the Read receipt.
If you are not sure how to disable the Read receipt on Android, follow these steps.
Open WhatsApp and tap on the three vertical dot icons located at the top right side of the app. On iOS, tap the Settings icon at the bottom left corner. Then select Settings to open the settings option. Here, select the first option Privacy.

In the Privacy settings page, select the first option Privacy. In privacy options, enable the Read Receipts.

After disabling this option, it will stop showing you read receipts and people who see your WhatsApp status. But other people can also not see if you have read their messages or see their WhatsApp Status. Now you can see WhatsApp Status anonymously.
Also see: How To Send WhatsApp Messages To A Number Without Saving It To Contact
Wrap Up
Now you know how to see WhatsApp Status anonymously. If you do not want to be labeled as a stalker, you can use this trick to secretly see the WhatsApp status of other contacts. Your contacts will never know if you ever check their stories.